Monday, January 24, 2011

A) Commend. B) Condemn. C) Concede.

There should be a rule that unless your kid is violently throwing up or consistently passing out in the halls the school nurse should not, i repeat: SHOULD NOT send you kid home from school!!  Don't get me wrong, I'm all for sick days;  if my little nugget came to me one morning and said,  "Mom, I really don't feel like going to school today, I'm not sick or anything, but my teacher must be going through menopause and she is really testing my patience so instead I think we should go to the zoo."  I would seriously debate letting her stay home.  1. because she has the balls to make that statement 2. She understands that nobody, not even a 7 year old child, should have to deal with a hormonal middle aged woman 7 hours a day 5 days a week. And 3. She didn't ask to stay home and watch iCarly all day long, she wants to go on a science field trip!  However, that wasn't the case today.

Today, Nurse Allison called me during my class to tell me it was very important that I pick nugget up from school because she has a fever of 99.2 and a stuffy nose.  Is this bitch friggin kidding me?  You want me to leave class, haul ass back to long beach and bring my daughter home from school at 10:00am because she's wearing a heavy sweater and has some snot?

Fucking right she does.

As she bounced into the car with her little smart-alacky sardonic grin I realized that she's her mothers daughter.  On the inside I was dying to give her props and deeply wanted to know how she got her temp to go up, but as he mama I knew I couldn't.  So instead, I gave her a lecture on why it was wrong to go to the nurse and how she should have stayed in school even though she was convinced she was deathly ill... all the while having a total out of body experience wondering how I got to be so square.  I even went as far as to deny the fact that I never came home from school when I wasn't sick.  [How full of shit am I!!?...I STILL come home "sick" from school! ]

As I was tucking her in a few hours ago, I broke down.  I told her I did try to come home sick almost every week when I was in 2nd grade, but I could never get the nurse to call my mother!  I knew my only shot was to fake sick before Grandma put me on the bus in the morning...which I was pretty successful at.  I let her know she is far more devious than I was at that age and although I don't approve of her faking was nicely played.  My little nugget fell asleep with a smile on her face and hopefully a deeper confidence in her near perfect mother :)            

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